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Standards We Expect Consortium

May 2011

The Standards We Expect project, initiated by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation and a consortium of user-led organisations, was designed to respond to the widespread acceptance among service users, policy-makers, politicians and practitioners that social care policy, practice and funding at the time were all inadequate and unable to meet the increasing needs predicted through major demographic and social change and medical innovation. This project formed the the first in-depth examination of the development of person-centred support, or ‘personalisation’, from the perspectives of service users, carers, face-to-face practitioners and middle managers. The project worked with a diverse range of service users across many different health and social care settings, exploring what person-centred support meant to them, how they felt it could be developed effectively, what barriers they faced to accessing person-centred support and how those barriers might be overcome. This report summarises the findings from that project.
In partnership/with support of: Joseph Rowntree Foundation
Download report (pdf)